Planning your Trip

Route Cards

If you are planning a trip out to the hills or moorland it is always best practice to tell someone where you are going, who is going and your estimated finishing time. Better yet is to provide a route card. This is a written card containing specific details about your day’s activity and can be left with friends or family or with B&B owners or at hotel front desks.

Example Route Card

Weather Forecast

Weather plays a vital role when it comes to enjoying your day in the hills. Learning to read weather forecasts is an important part of enjoying the outdoors in Scotland. It is import to know your limits and to plan potential escape routes.


Winter training

HebMRT in the Cairngorms

What to Pack

When heading out to the hills preparation is key. You should be equipped with suitable footwear (walking boots) and waterproofs at all times. In addition to appropriate clothing a rucksack is required.

This should contain:

• Water bottle
• Navigation equipment (Map, map case and compass, GPS optional)
• Head torch
• Survival bag
• Whistle
• Watch
• First aid kit
• Basic food (chocolate bar, sandwich, nuts etc)

Additional Winter Kit

• Crampons
• Ice axe
• Goggles (also useful in very windy conditions)

This list is not extensive, and you may wish to carry additional items. More information is available from Mountain Safety.
